Become a Block Zone Designer
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Block Zone Designer! Once you complete the below application a member of the team will review your MOCs and reach out to let you know which of your MOCs would be the best fit for our customers.
How does it work? You've designed an amazing MOC that you want to share with the world and we can provide everyone with a full part pack to assemble your MOC. Our customers will purchase the part pack from us and the manual from you. Simple!
For more information you can check out our Designer Hub.
What is a Block Zone Designer?
We work with hundreds of the top designers in the world to bring to our customers the latest, most intricate, technical & advanced models available anywhere.
The designers we've partnered with are able to list their MOCs on our platform and offer builders an easy, hassle free way to get all the parts required to build their MOC.
We provide the parts, our designers provide the manual. It's as simple as that!
Do you share manuals with your customers?
Never. At The Block Zone we are firm believers that you as a designer should always be credited for your models. We therefore have a strict program when it comes to listing your MOCs on our website.
To list your MOCs on our website you will need to create your own MOC, create a PDF manual for that MOC and have this manual listed on a platform such as Rebrickable.
On our website we will offer our customers a full part pack with all parts required to build your MOC. On the model page on our website there will be a link to where they must purchase the manual from you (for example your Rebrickable profile).
Our customers will therefore purchase the part pack from us and the manual from you.
How does it work?
Simple. We will use your MOC inventory to create a part pack for our customers. Our customers will purchase the part pack from us and the manual from you.
Do you credit your designers?
Always. Every MOC on our website will have your name and a link to your Rebrickable page (or other platform) where the customer can purchase the manual from you.
Do you promote your designers to help boost their manual sales?
Yes. If we see that an MOC you have designed is popular with our customers we will start promoting it on our social media channels, homepage, newsletter and more.
How can I become a Block Zone Designer?
Do you already have MOCs listed on platforms such as Rebrickable? Fill out the form above and let us know a bit more about you and your MOCs. Our team will look over your submissions and cross reference this to our massive list of customer requests. If we have requests for one of your MOCs (or if we believe an MOC you have designed is a good fit) we'll put together a part pack based on your part list and list it on our website.
What do you need from me?
In order to list your MOCs on our website we will need:
1. Your MOC inventory. This will allow us to create a part pack that our customers can purchase to build your MOC.
2. A description of the functions, size, etc of your MOC. The more details we can offer to our customers the easier it will be for them to understand how amazing your MOC is!
3. Images of your MOC. We're happy to help with editing the images, we just need high quality shots of your model (either real life or computer generated). The more images the easier it will be for customers to see how well your MOC is designed!
What can I do to further promote my MOC?
We've seen amazing results with designers on Rebrickable who will put a link to our website on their Rebrickable listing to show customers they can get all the parts required in one place, hassle free & for a lot less than if they were to purchase the parts individually.